Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a rose by any other

Neo-romantic in style, my photography is inspired by the archetypes of myth and dream. I want to reach the viewer on an intuitive level, with images that are visually, psychologically and spriritually compelling.

My goal: to make images that link the past and futue [sic.], inner and outer worlds, art and commerce.

My philosophy: Beauty in an ugly age is revolutionary.

I take this as a personal insult.


  1. As you should. You gotta protect your brand.

    I'm sick of photographers writing the same platitudes about their work - I mean, yeah, everyone wants to reach people with their compelling images. I like artists who are like, "Here's my shit, it speaks for itself." Like this guy I saw lecture recently, Andrew Moore. You should check him out.

    I sure am commenting a lot on your blog today! I need to make sure to add it to my RSS.

  2. and not only is she a blowhard, but her work could be generously described as utter drivel. Or, to invert your formula, she could say "Let me speak for my shit."
    am checking out Andrew Moore *as we speak* (whatever that means when blogging)


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