6:15am - Alarm goes off. Climb down from my bed, hit snooze, climb back up.
6:30am - Alarm goes off. Get up.
6:30-7:45 - stretching, yawning, shower, humming, coffee, opening eyes, granola
7:45-7:55 - bike to Mission High School
8:00-9:50 - tutor freshmen on oral history narratives for their ethnic studies class
10:00-1:20 - work work work, put add on craigslist for extra theatre ticket, filter candidates, choose one contact, give ticket
1:20-1:35 - bike to Golden Gate Theatre
1:35-1:45 - eat ham & cheese croissant, aka lunch
2:00-5:00 - watch South Pacific with my a free ticket. As I'm leaving a man tells me "You know, I saw the original." "On Broadway?" I ask. "Yup, that was back in 1949." I was one of the few non-grey- or white-haired people in the audience. But then, who else goes to a Wednesday matinée of anything, especially Rodgers and Hammerstein?
5:00-6:00 - grocery shopping
6:00-6:20 - dinner
6:20-8:00 - baking cupcakes for cool-housemate-Kristin's birthday, singing, dancing, candles
While we're on the subject, the playbill for South Pacific, which has rather heavy echoes of Gaughin, doesn't include any facial details for the native women. Really? They aren't minimized enough in the musical by the pigeon English of one and the attractive, smiling silence of the other? Do designers not study these things? Or do they just not pay attention?
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